Application Programming Interfaces [APIs] for healthcare interoperability.
The auth API is used to authenticate users and generate tokens for access to the medplum server.
Receives a client_id and secret and returns an auth token
Expected format:
client_id [string]
client_secret [string]
scope [string]
Method: POST
Requests a token from the medplum server and forwards the information to the requester.
Sample response:
"url": "/api/auth/token",
"status": 200,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"scope": "openid",
"id_token": "xxxx",
"access_token": "xxx",
"project": {
"reference": "Project/xxxx",
"display": "Local Practice"
"profile": {
"reference": "ClientApplication/xxx",
"display": "Local Practice Default Client"
"need_patient_banner": false
Receives a token and returns information about the user profile if logged in
Expected format:
token [string]
Method: POST
Gets the profile information for the access token
Sample response:
"url": "/api/auth/userinfo",
"status": 200,
"message": "logged in",
"sub": "xx-xxx"